
The Blog

Fictitiously Literate. Exactly, that is the best way to define this blog. Why? Because I like books, reading, antiquities, history, writing, travelling and other 'serious' activities that would make me seem 'literate', 'educated', or just 'boring'. On the other hand, I like video-games, Pokémon, superheroes, disney, cartoons, comic books, and a lot more that would make me seem 'nerdy', 'different', 'fun', or just 'weird'. Your choice. The latter interests do not make me seem so 'literate' anymore (althoug I could be literate about it), and therefore my literate'ness' is fictitious. Voilà.

My interests (not all included above) reflect what you will find on this blog, but posts mainly will be about media-related items, like TV-series, movies, games, and books.

The Blogger

Date of Birth:
July 3rd 1991

Breda, The Netherlands

NHTV University of Applied Sciences

Student International Media & Entertainment Management

'When I grow up I want to become a...':
Journalist or Copywriter

See above, extended beyond infinity.

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